
arc/sec Lab: Uwe Rieger and Yinan Liu
in collaboration with the Augmented Human Lab
LightTank is a mixed reality installation that augments a space frame structure with holographic line drawings. Using the anaglyph (red/cyan) stereo projection technique on transparent screens the haptic-digital construction merges with its surrounding and blurs the boundaries between tactile and virtual. LightTank creates a communal immersive experience with an intimate responsiveness to its audience.
The project was conceived by the arc/sec Lab for Digital Spatial Operations at the School of Architecture and Planning at the University of Auckland. LightTank`s interface was developed in collaboration with the Augmented Human Lab at the Bio Engineering Institute. Under the lead of Assoc. Prof. Suranga Nanayakkara, the AHLab focuses on creating enabling human-computer interfaces as natural extensions of our body, mind and behaviour.
The installation is will be presented at the Ars Electronica Festival in Linz from 7.9.-11.9.2016
Project concept and development by arc/sec Lab: Uwe Rieger and Yinan Liu
Sensing solution by Augmented Human Lab:
Roger Boldu, Heetesh Alwani, Haimo Zhang, Suranga Nanayakkara,
Support: Celine Xiang
Textile fabrication:: Nautilus Sails Auckland